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Tuition Support

Section 507.2 | Board Report 22-0223-PO4 | Date Adopted February 23, 2022

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That the Chicago Board of Education amend the Tuition Support for Teachers and Educational Support Personnel Enrolled in Board-Sponsored Professional Development or Educational Programs Policy and rename Tuition Support Policy. The policy was posted for public comment from December 21, 2021 to January 21, 2022.


To establish a uniform terms and conditions for the Board’s payment of tuition and fees and/or professional development fees on behalf of teachers, paraprofessional and school-related personnel, and educational support personnel employed by the Board.


I. Belief Statement.

The Chicago Board of Education seeks opportunities to improve and enhance the quality of teaching and learning in the Chicago Public Schools. The Chicago Board of Education will provide where possible, tuition and fee support to temporarily assigned teachers, probationary appointed teachers, tenured teachers, and paraprofessional and school-related personnel, to participate in Board-sponsored professional development or educational programs. The tuition support will enable them to obtain continued education, certificates, licenses or endorsements in high-needs or hard to fill knowledge areas. The Board acknowledges the effectiveness of a classroom teacher is the most influential in-school factor impacting student learning and seeks to reduce historical barriers to continued education for staff by creating inclusive partnerships with education providers and Board personnel.

In addition, The Chicago Board of Education seeks opportunities to improve and enhance the development and learning of full-time staff, by providing, where possible, tuition and fee support to educational support personnel to allow them to participate in Board-sponsored professional development or educational programs. The tuition support will enable them to obtain endorsements or certifications or licenses in the specific area of their work.

II. Applicability.

This policy applies to any temporarily assigned teacher, probationary appointed teacher, tenured teacher, paraprofessional or school-related employee, and educational support personnel who receives tuition and fee support (“tuition support”) from or for whom tuition support is paid by the Board in a Board-sponsored professional development or educational program (“professional development program”).

III. Equity Statement.

The Chicago Board of Education recognizes the importance of retaining high-quality educators, employees, and leaders. In addition to the focus on our educators, we acknowledge the other school-based and non-school based employees who contribute to the overall success of our district. We know the success of our students is directly driven by teachers, staff, and district support and are committed to ensuring our employees have access to continuing education. We believe that through constant, professional development and learning, our in school and out of school personnel can learn best practices and skills to continually push student outcomes forward. The Board recognizes and values a diverse teaching force that is representative of the students and communities that it serves, and is committed to supporting staff from Chicago's diverse communities to pursue further culturally responsive education and training in the field.

IV. Terms and Conditions of Board-provided Tuition, Fees or Other Professional Development Support.

Whenever the Board or any officer to whom it has delegated the authority to act offers tuition support to temporarily assigned teachers, probationary appointed teachers, tenured teachers, paraprofessional and school-related personnel or educational support personnel (“participants”), the participants must acknowledge and agree to the following terms and conditions as a condition of the Board’s payment of the tuition support.

V. Procedures to Apply for Tuition Support.

Department Heads, in consultation with the Talent Office, may offer tuition support to temporarily assigned teachers, probationary appointed, tenured teachers, paraprofessional/school-related personnel, and educational support personnel, in the exercise of their discretion, as grant or Board funds are available for that purpose. Participants must submit an application to participate in Tuition Support Programs to the Talent Office on an application consistent with the form in Appendix A of this Policy. The Chief Talent Officer or their designee must review all applications and may approve those applications of applicants who meet all eligibility criteria and who agree to the terms and conditions in this Policy. Department Heads who offer tuition support and the Talent Office are responsible for monitoring participant compliance with this Policy.

VI. Participation in Tuition Support Programs Deemed Voluntary.

Participation in a Board-sponsored tuition-support/professional development program is voluntary and participants will not be paid any additional wages or salary or a stipend for participating in one of these programs.

VII. Grandfather of Participation Agreements Entered Prior to Effective Date of this Policy.

Any participation agreement for tuition and fee support entered between a Board employee and a Board Department before the effective date of this Policy is hereby ratified and approved by the Board, regardless of whether the terms of the participation agreement are fully consistent with this Policy. The Chief Talent Officer or their designee is hereby delegated the authority to resolve any disputes arising out of those participation agreements with the participants’ bargaining representative, if any, as such disputes arise either through applicable grievance procedures or through collective bargaining.

Policy References

Amends/Rescinds Amends 06-0726-PO6
Cross References  
Legal References  


*We have a variety of departments which offer professional development programs, pre-approved for reimbursement. Tuition Support Contracts must be initiated by the department offering programming to be valid. Additional information can be found at, or by emailing

Policy Managed By Talent Office

773-553-HR4U (4748)

42 W. Madison St.
Chicago, IL 60602